file mix - ups, or file data corruptions. Launch your favorite web browser from the Start menu or taskbar. Minecraft is a fun sandbox game where you explore lost worlds, kill monsters and uncover secrets. You should see your Mincecraft purchase at the top of the page.

After creating the free account, use the Redeem Code to claim a copy of Minecraft Java Edition, after you have claimed Java Edition, you can also claim a free copy of Minecraft Bedrock (Windows 10) from the windows store, that way you have both versions and the versions don't clash, e.g. How to get Minecraft: Bedrock Edition for Windows 10 for free. Here’s how to do it: Sign into your Mojang account. After you have bought the Redeem Code go to and create a free account. Essentially, it was used to showcase the new gaming features present in Windows 10. To get Minecraft Java Edition for pretty much no cost, go to a games shop, that sells Minecraft Redeem Codes, then check that card's expiry date and wait until aroun 3 days before it, then the shop will lower prices to try to get you to buy it, for example, normal Minecraft Java Edition costs around $20 - $30, but when the shop lowers price it will cost around $7 - $10. A considerable number of players wish to receive the Bedrock Edition on their PC, however only those who have already purchased the Java Edition between October. To get Minecraft Bedrock Edition for 'free', or pretty much free, is to actually get Minecraft Java Edition first, it sounds like a waste of money, but it isn't. Mojang, the company that created MC, is offering a free demo version of the game to PC users.